28. Januar 2024
14:00 -17:00 Uhr


"How do we make social justice the most pleasurable human experience? How can we awaken within ourselves desires that make it impossible to settle for anything less than a fulfilling life? Adrienne Maree Brown finds the answer in something she calls "pleasure activism," a politics of healing and happiness [...]. Drawing on the black feminist tradition, she created new narratives about how politics can feel good and how what feels good always has a complex politics of its own."

Embark on a transformative journey with this alluring series of experiential workshops centered around Pleasure Activism! Inspired by the work of renown author and social justice activist Adrienne Maree Brown, and facilitated by Anna, a Hamburg-based sex and relationship counsellor, this empowering series invites you to explore, embrace, embody, and advocate for the liberating power of pleasure.

Workshop 1: Savouring the revolution
28/01/24, h. 14 – 17, @ Fabrique im Gängeviertel
Meet us at the joyous intersection of food pleasure and body justice. In this inclusive and uplifting space, part of the Pleasure Activism workshop series, we’ll delve into the differences between fat acceptance and body positivity, challenging societal norms related to beauty and health. And while revenge is a dish best served cold, revolution is surely best served hot; so for the practical activity, expect to embark on an alluring exploration of food that transcends the plate!

Why Attend?
• Connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive and inclusive space;
• Gain practical tools to integrate pleasure into your daily life;
• Foster resilience and empowerment through joy and self-discovery;
• Unleash the power of pleasure as a catalyst for social change;

• Dates: 28 Jan, 25 Feb, 24 Mar 2024, from 14.00 to 17.00
• Location: various, please check in each event
• Language: English
• Facilitator: Anna, plEASE counselling. Website: . IG: please_counselling
• Cost: 60€ for each workshop (50 € early birds, if you pay at least 2 weeks before the date of the workshop), or 140 € for all three. 1 free spot available for underprivileged categories.


❣️To cultivate a sense of intimacy and comfort, we have chosen to restrict the number of participants and offer the workshop exclusively to FLINTA* and on a reservation basis (sorry, no drop-ins!).

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