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Konzert: Uebertribe
DJ-Set: The Soulprofessor
doors: 17:30 Uhr
start: 18:30 Uhr
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Uebertribe is a funk band from Hamburg, Germany, known for its surprising „over the cliff“ grooves and arrangements and a gritty sound. Having their roots in raw funk, Uebertribe takes you to a trip to the outer space through genres like Afrobeat, P-Funk and Jazzfunk. Hittin' it on the one, getting hard as Funk Rock, shooting through the Neosouls grease, and putting some Voodoo on all of it, Uebertribe sounds raw and dirty, cause dirt keeps the Funk.
„High energy raw funk with that jangly guitar we all love mixed with some Hammond, we can’t ask for anything more“ - wrote Flea Market Funk to their first seven inch drop on Our Label Records. Well, meanwhile they have some more to offer. Uebertribes debut album - Brand New U - was released on September 14, 2018. Charming shitty analog recording (thx Dennis Rux), mighty Hammond B3 (thx Chris Haertel), powerful horn section (thx Diazpora Horns) and loads of vintage gear were essential to get these 9 instrumental tracks as raw and expressive as they were meant to sound. And their mission as a band - “We sweat, u dance, and we all have fun” - is quite apparent in all of them!
The 75 year old Funk DJ “The Soulprofessor” owns and plays an amazing collection of strictly vinyl 7 inch 45's. His collection dates back to the late 50's early 60's and stretches forwards through the decades encompassing Soul, Funk, Blues, Afro, Latin and R&B.
The Soulprofessor started DJing way back in the 1960's at various notorious West Country nightspots (including, truth be told, a couple of strip clubs which were the only places with a late drinks licence) . He then joined two other DJs running the legendary Soul & Funk club in the Rummer Cellar Bar in Bristol.
A centrifugal musical figure in the city that gave us Massive Attack, Portishead and the WOMAD festival The Soul Professor is now based in Hamburg and is in huge demand spinning his collection of rare Funk vinyl 45's in clubs throughout Germany. Visiting the UK every year for the festival season. He has appeared at Glastonbury (VIP tent) WOMAD festival, Rhythmtree festival and Tramline festival.
Gefördert im Rahmen des Kultursommers Hamburg
Neben tollen Konzerten gibt es während des gesamten Kultursommers im Gängeviertel leckeres syrisches veganes Essen von olivegan. So auch an diesem Tag: Schaut vorbei, es lohnt sich!
BITTE DENK DARAN, DASS NOCH IMMER CORONA IST: Wir sind zur Erhebung der Kontaktdaten verpflichtet. Dieser Prozess kostet am Einlass etwas Zeit. Bitte plan das ein. Halte Abstand, trag eine Maske in Innenräumen und halt dich an die allgemeine Corona-Knigge.