Sam Gora - Empty Chairs: Decisions 1-998

24. June 2020 - 03. July 2020
Galerie LaDøns, Valentinskamp 39

Window Exhibition (best to be seen at night)

24.6. - 3.7.2020

Galerie LaDøns

Valentinskamp 39

20354 Hamburg

In Empty Chairs: Decisions 1-998, two empty chairs are depicted through a 'connect the dots'-drawing in the window. The dots and numbers are scratched out of the black paint so that the light can pass through it and illuminate the image.

The chairs are positioned facing each other – the possibility to use them therefore remains. Each dot and number symbolizes a decision in a life-long or particular process of getting together to sit down, to face each other, to spend time together and start a conversation. Each dot appears as a small light in the drawing. It's up to you to make the connection´.

In current times, it seems more than necessary that we start to converse and try to understand each other. Urgent topics like Corona, racism and migration politics shape the lives of thousands of people around the world while those in charge are unable to converse and find solutions. Let's sit down, look each other in the eyes and talk!

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