Aidan Baker, A-Sun Amissa (Konzert)

24. February 2013
20:00 -23:00 Uhr
Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp

AIDAN BAKER (CA/DE) Important / Gizeh / Robotic Empire


As a solo artist Aidan Baker creates music ranging from experimental/drone to ambient post-rock to contemporary classical using the electric guitar as his primary sound source. Baker has toured around the world and released numerous albums both solo and with various projects (Nadja, Whisper Room, Infinite Light Ltd.) on such labels as Alien8 Recordings, Robotic Empire, Important Records, and Beta-Lactam Ring Records. Baker willbe touring in support of his forthcoming release, Already Drowning, on Gizeh Records.


A-SUN AMISSA (UK) Gizeh Records


A-Sun Amissa is a project formed out of Leeds, UK in 2011 by members of Glissando and The Rustle of the Stars.. Built on the foundations of the unknown, a project that encompasses minimalist drones, modern-classical movements and avant-garde tendencies.

Richard Knox (Glissando, The Rustle of the Stars, Of Thread & Mist) & Angela Chan (Glissando, The Rustle of the Stars, Ten, Tomorrow We Sail) began forming the initial ideas in the Autumn of 2011, moving away from the piano-led ambience of previous outputs. Owen Pegg joined the duo just a month later.

The trio produce a dense, drone-like atmosphere accompanying evocative, melodic string sections and intertwining guitars. The live show features sections of the recorded output combined with improvisation to unlock new movements and progressions in the music. The subtle, considered textures and the hypnotic interaction between players and instruments provide an intense live performance.

The first A-Sun Amissa release was a limited edition 'postcard' EP on Hibernate Recordings in October 2011 with an album 'Desperate in Her Heavy Sleep' out in March 2012 on Gizeh Records. A new EP is currently in the works on will be released to coincide with the tour.

'an unsettling work that, for all this talk of solitude, is peculiarly both beautiful and comforting”


'a hugely satisfying and darkly compelling piece of work from a group of artists at the forefront of UK drone exploration.' Foxy Digitalis

'Mournful strings, guitars, and dark ambient shadings conjure a haunted, reverberant

soundtrack for the end of days, and for one funereal minute after another, cello, violin, and guitars quietly wail, as if caught within some slow-motion death spiral' Textura




Eine Verortung des Selbst im Post-Nachkriegsdeutschland

Oliver von Belows Malerei erhebt sich als urgewaltiges Beschreien der emotionalen Verfasstheit. Sie bricht mit der kapitalindividualistischen Wirklichkeit des 21. Jahrhunderts und wirft einen provokanten Blick auf das widersprüchliche Wesen der Dinge. Im Zentrum seines erratischen Kreuzfeuers steht der Künstler selbst. Oliver von Below, aufgewachsen zwischen Eton und Buchholz i.d. Nordheide, malt den Gegensatz. Er zeigt sich als animalisch Verfremdeten, als politischen Agitator im Fegefeuer der ironischen Distanz und als modernen Dandy. Selten ist Selbstbefragung so poptauglich komponiert worden. Nur selten war der Blick in die eigene Vergangenheit genauso lustig, wie sezierend. Jeder Pinselstrich stellt hier mit Dringlichkeit die Frage: 'Drehen wir noch oder durch?' Spielerisch nimmt er die 'Schönen Verhältnisse' einer stilisierten Vergangenheit und einer durchgestylten Gegenwart auseinander.

Fynn Steiner

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