Intertronika: Winter Frequencies Lab

14. Februar 2025 - 15. Februar 2025
17:00 -10:00 Uhr

What frequencies define us, guide us, transform us?

The cold clarity of winter becomes a metaphor for resonance, transformation, and interconnectedness. This event is a curated exploration of the unseen frequencies that weave human interactions together—cultural, emotional, and intellectual.

This event is a celebration of connection in all its forms—romantic, platonic, communal, and even self-reflective. On this day traditionally dedicated to love, INTERTRONIKA invites participants to explore the rhythms and frequencies that unite us, re shaping the conventional boundaries and dynamics of affection.

We want to make space to observe the quiet revolutions of togetherness that ripple through every interaction, relationship, and act of creation in our beloved Fabrique.

SEMINARRAUM (17:00-21:00) Project hosting: @Esperanza.sperare

Please Counselling, Blossom Out Concept, Herb whispers.

SAAL: Intertronika (17:00-07:00)

Interactive Market (17-21:00)

Live Act Konzert ANTI MEDO (21:00)

DJ SHOWCASE (22:00-07:00)

KELLER: DJ SHOWCASE Intertronika (22:30-09:30)

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