ja! ok.- soft and low (Saskia Senge Logan T. Sibrel )

25. January 2018 - 04. February 2018
19:00 -23:00 Uhr
MOM ART SPACE - Fabrique im Gängeviertel

ja! ok.- soft and low
Saskia Senge Logan T. Sibrel 
25/1/18 mom art space

opening 7 pm
Sister Pact live 9 pm


ja! ok.-

Eine Hand deren kleiner, Ring-, Mittel- und Zeigefinger zur Handfläche gezogen ist; der Daumen zeigt nach oben:
Eine Hand deren kleiner, Ring- und Mittelfinger von der Handfläche abgespreitzt ist; Zeigefinger und Daumen berühren sich:
Wie läuft’s bei dir?
ja! ok.-
Wie geht’s? 
ja! ok.-
Tetrapac & Dose liegen zusammengedrückt am Strassenrand
ja! ok.-


soft and low

“I am black with love / neither boy nor nightingale / intact as a flower / I yearn without desire.”
From “Narcissus Dancing” by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Logan T. Sibrel is an artist based in Brooklyn, NY. He makes paintings, drawings music, and zines.

The works in soft and low are of half-formed figures – groping, posing, and failing at fellatio. Focused on the performative components of intimacy, the pieces’ composition and frontality are part Caravaggio, part American middle-class family portrait.

These paintings and drawings are scattered with fragments of lyrics from ‘60s girl groups and bits of dialogue which are as misleading as they are telling. While the content in Sibrel’s work is largely [homo]sexual, he actively refuses sensuality, which is lost to self-awareness. The subjects in the pieces wish to be desirable and objectified but also face the discomfort of this being a form of dispossession.


exhibition 26/1 – 4/2/18

opening hours 
th – su, 5 – 7 pm, and 
by appointment via

mom art space
Valentinskamp 34 A
D-20355 Hamburg


kindly supported by Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Hamburg

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